Brave web 3.0
Brave web 3.0

Web 2.0 took that idea a step further and enabled users to read and write content on websites and applications. Web 1.0 was the first incarnation of the internet – providing static pages that you could read online. But, perhaps because the technology has finally caught up with the ideas, we are now apparently on the verge of this brand new way to work online. It is thought that a journalist at The New York Times first wrote about it way back in 2006. The term Web 3.0 has actually been around for quite a while now. Will it really mean the way we use the internet is going to change completely? And is that even a good thing? Read on to find out more. Whether you are just using gambling sites such as BetUs, or talking to a lot of people at the same time online, knowing what Web 3.0 means is probably of some use.

brave web 3.0

There are a lot of people getting very excited about how this new way of working online could become the future of the internet itself. If you have any interest in developments in technology and the internet you will have heard the term ‘Web 3.0’ or ‘Web3’ being used recently.

Brave web 3.0