Snap stock
Snap stock

Is not operated by a broker, a dealer, or a registered investment adviser. Its advertising products include Snap Ads and AR Ads. Spotlight is a way to share user-generated content with the entire Snapchat community. Stories feature content from a Snapchatter's friends, its community, and its content partners. Snap Map is a live and personalized map that allows Snapchatters to connect with friends and explore what is going on in their local area. Communication allows users to send Snaps to friends collectively or individually, through its messaging architecture. Snapchat opens directly to the Camera, making it easy to create a Snap and send it to friends.

snap stock

The Camera is the starting point for creation in Snapchat. Its tabs include Camera, Communication, Snap Map, Stories and Spotlight. Snapchat is its core mobile device application and contains five tabs. The firm's flagship product, Snapchat, is a camera application that helps people communicate visually with friends and family through short videos and images called Snaps.

snap stock

The company is headquartered in Santa Monica, California and currently employs 5,661 full-time employees.

Snap stock